On BURNOUT, Old Feelings and New Endings

On BURNOUT, Old Feelings, and New Endings To Howie. Thanks for stealing the show, you little rascal. “Because he knows that he always gets where he wants to. I respect that. I think it’s really inspirational to just watch someone slow the fuck down. And umm… yeah. He really likes bananas by the way.” Fern, BURNOUT, […]
On The Corona Monologues, The Passage of Time, and Bob

Maku’s Note: I wrote this foreword in 2021 prior to our debut show, The Corona Monologues. I got it printed out and placed it on every seat. It felt important to contextualise it, to elaborate on why it was created in the first place and why it is a one of a kind to us. […]
O divadelních kultůrách, vanilkový v hledišti a šunkovejch chlebíčkách

Joha! Joha! Joha! Stejně jak Terminátor, plíseň nebo osmdesátá Covidová vlna jsem tady zas! Pro ty, co mě neznaj, tak já jsem Maku, divadelní režisérka, dramatička a arci-krotitelka lvů v Sadech 10. Těší mě. No, a tohle je můj oficiální, ač neoficiálně psanej blog, kde se vypisuju z all things divadlo. Takže se připoutejte a […]